Tag kali ini oleh:-
...thanx dude...
1. what's your most favourite colour?
BLACK...BLACK...BLACK...i cannot live without the BLACK...
tho i like a little dash of REDs...now i'm learning to be a pinky person...still trying...:P
2. who is the most important to you?
Me,myself and I...
My family..
My friends...
My TechClan...
3. how often do you think of committing suicide?
used to think about it....a lot!!!
But eventually got over it...
Now I just want to fulfil my life with beautiful things to have before I decide think about it ever again...
4. do you think you have enough confidence?
Not sufficient enough to be the best and beat the rest
5. how many babies you want?
I got a few now...tho i luv to have a real one...erm...maybe about 3 or 4 legally...
6. what is your favourite fruit?
I don't fancy any fruit...I juz eat them...
7. what was your goal for this year?
this year?? 2008? almost over...Well,i wanna talk about 2009...Hurm...
Do a great job for Internship...
Excel in studies...
Get more friends...
Maybe cash in a little...
8. do you believe in eternity love?
No...People are constatntly changing...
Like the seasons...
there always will be a thing that could challenge someone's heart to love...
The most eternity love is of cOurse to The Almighty One...is it that easy???
9. do you think that the person who tag you,like to play kidnapping?
play kidnapping??? wat the hell is tat?? takpaham pulak...mane wa taw...
10. what do you really really want now?
I really want to have a lot of money to fulfil my nafsu of gadgets...
yes! that's the perfect answer for this question...muahahahha!!
11. what is your bad habit?
bak kate kawan2 aku..aku suka makan bende2 yg akan membuatkan aku kencing manis + darah tinggi + obesiti...semua makanan yg akan efek tubuh badan ku di hari dewasa @ tua kelak...huwaaaaa...tapi sedap~
12. do u have a secret crush?
Yes I do...I hope he knows...Well, will it be known as crush nemore??
13. do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
InsyaAllah, I hOpe...never want to hurt any one of my friends...
thanx dear people...
14. have u ever hurt someone in your life??
I'll never know hOw deep I've made 'that person' hurt..
But I just wanted 'that person' to know..I'm really sOrry to be such a jerk and I really regret whatever things that I've dOne tO make you hurt...(-_-)
15. what do you crave for the most currently?
gadgets!!! more gadgets!!!!
and Oh...cheese + chocolate....
And of course!! Money...yes..Money really can buy happiness...
16. are you single/relationship?
I'm single and available...aper???! Interested??
17. what are you supposed to be doing now?
i am supposed to be sleeping cuz i'm really sleepy..but i can't...I have a tag to fulfil...
plus the server just stink!
18. what have you done to yourself to make yourself happy?
Made myself happy by earning as much experience as I can in my 21 years of living...
19. what is the worst case scenario that happened to you in your life?
Couldn't remember..I get that a lot in my whole life..*unlucky* huu~
20. what are you hoping for?
I'm hOping to have found what I've been looking for all this time...And also not to be a different person but a slightly better person...
remove one question from above and add in your personal question. make a total of 20 questions and tag 5 people. list them out at the end of the post.notify them in their cbox that they've been tagged. whoever does the tag will have blessings from all.
nobody lagik kot...I taw korang penat dah buat tag sokmo hari2...nExt tym okeyh bebehs!! sape2 nak wat suke suki la...u got my blessings... :)
p/s: Can u sense the seriousness in my answers?? I'm in a glOomy state right nOw...sOrry...
2 Responses to “TAG saat kemengantukan...”
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secret crush?? who ha?? me?? oh god??
alamak! you've known...
not a crush anymore la...
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