7.30am-5.30 pm
I was having quite a hectic day today, as my first 'task' had been fulfilled...Huhu...
Entering the data might be harder than it looks, tho, I wouldn't consider it as hard but it's quite a pain in the ass with loads of repeating data to key in..*sigh* but watever pon, at the end I managed to finished the job by time...sempat pulak mencilok beberapa botol ayer mineral sebelum balik...ampun...ngeee :D
I felt so stressed out and tired but not really sleepy, so I planned out some things to do:
Back to UKM, I decided to bring all my clothes to laundry today...Yippeeee!!!Actually, self laundry at my College Ungku Omar...Only RM0.50 x 4=RM2.00...Motive???
As the evening is still early, I've msg MAMA for a quick jog to let the tym pass whilst the washing machine's doing the job...Huhu, it was really quick and by the tym I went back it already finished the job..yeayy....
I didn't straight away go back to Dato' Onn but stayed in my old room alone...Finally, got the time to be ALL BY MYSELF...I really missed being alone and have the space and oxygen all to myself... and suddenly got a message from ABY, she bought some satay for me..another yeayyyy!!!! I took a shower and walk balk to my temporary AUG habitat...ngee~
Had my satay (super deli.cio.us--or am i hungry??) and continue online till nOw(0014am)...signing off soOn, have to wake up @ 5.45...like WTF???Since when Oyen wakey at that time???????? watever...this thing will be over sOOOOOOooonnnn...(bear with it baybeyyhhh)
That's all folks...
p/s: damn! <----my emo nOw
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hehe... tahan je.. sndri nk keje kan..hehe
hahahaha...kerja elok2 oyenot. muwahahaha
wan: tu la pasal...
ini bar bp hari ek...
lom masok sektor pekerjaan lg...ngaaaaa~
fikri: kalo kerja tak elok2, i kasik Malaysia menang....ngahahhahaha
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