what are blogs for?
nothing to do now...thinkin'bout things i'm not suppose to think about...so i will just take a little time for this post...been blog hopping since yesterday...sorry to blog owners..no harm intended...kinda fun to look at other people's life and learn sumthing about it...happy faces, their problems, their crushes,their families...i wonder how a blog could play an important part in a person's life,replacing diaries...even better, with images and videos to share... :)
I came across some interesting blogs,with fun and meaningful posts...envy them as i don't posses such a creativeness and interestingness....maybe my life now is boring and not much to say about...or maybe i dun really know how to build a great blog..:::sobs:::
These are few blogs that i encounter, totally different particularly in the subject...
1. Some people talk about themselves all blog long, from the first post until the very latest, the only subject of the blog is about him/her...Weird how a person could brag about themselves,so much to talk about....
2. Blogs about families,kids and readers could follow the progress of their kids...even from the womb...(*_*)....
3. political blogs ( which i'm not really interested in;not a very political person myself...) that sumtimes attack and harass the other party with their words of wisdom...i have no comment watsoever on which side is right...
4. Blogs of images...usually professionals or amateurs that devote themselves to photography...(i am a photo-freak sumtimes)...
5. Online shop...haha...business is everywhere;even blog can be very revenuous(such word?)...no capital needed..just need a computer and online 24/7..u could run a very successful business and ka ching! $$$
6. Celebrity & gossips blogs...as said, the place to get the latest buzz on celebrity;who? what? where?....local and international...
7. Educational blogs...Notes and information on certain subjects...might be interesting to read sometime....
enough said...i have class tomorrow actually...really need some sleep...
occay....dowanna think about how ordinary my blog is...
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tak paham~~~ jangan salahkan aku....
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